
(Note: all assignments and project components are due at the BEGINNING of the day, unless otherwise specified)

  Date Morning Afternoon Assignments Due Project Deadlines
01 Mon, 7/6 CAD, prototyping, electronics I SolidWorks I, lab safety Survey (after lunch)
02 Tue, 7/7 electronics II SolidWorks II, work time A1 (tags), A2 (VIR)
In-Class SW Engine (remember to unzip the files)
03 Wed, 7/8 m2/mX, C programming I work time A3 (IR sensors)
04 Thu, 7/9 C Programming II work time -
Line Follower
05 Fri, 7/10 Additive manufacturing SolidWorks III A4 (mX bot)
06 Mon, 7/13 Electronics III work time A5 (MatchBox Derby)
07 Tue, 7/14 Circuit Prototyping, Debugging A6 (Wireless) ROBOTANK (Concept Reviews)
08 Wed, 7/15 Master Lecture Connectors & USB Debugging
09 Thu, 7/16 Lockheed Martin tour ROBOTANK (Beacon Lock)
10 Fri, 7/17 ROBOTANK (Firing Test)
11 Mon, 7/20 Admissions Workshop
12 Tue, 7/21 ROBOTANK (Driving Test)
13 Wed, 7/22
14 Thu, 7/23 ROBOTANK (Competition)
15 Fri, 7/24


Links to Useful Resources, Datasheets, etc.
M2 Custom Function Library
Grades and Course Materials