The NodeMCU 32S is an open-source firmware project for the low cost ESP32 which includes an Arduino interface.
- Operating voltage 3.3V
- Memory 4Mb Flash
- Clock Frequency 160Mhz
- Interface USB to Mac or PC
- WiFi 2.4GHz IEEE 802.11 b/g/n

The M5Stamp C3 is a board with the ESP32C3
- Operating voltage 3.3V
- Memory 4Mb Flash
- Clock Frequency 160Mhz
- Interface USB to Mac or PC
- WiFi 2.4GHz IEEE 802.11 b/g/n
General Information
Programming Reference
Coming soon...
Detailed References
ESP32 Documentation Espressif's reference manual...
ESP32 Resourses Espressif's resource page.
ESP32 site Has many resource links.
Wireless Tools
Port Forwarding Setting up a router for port forwarding (required for ESP8266 wifi) (note: I think UPnP enabled will allow port forwarding without having to set every IP address of every device.)
Pack Sender Tool very useful to debug TCP or UDP packets. Run from mac windows or linux.
Wireless sniffer Potentially useful wireless sniffer debugging (or checking if environment is too RF noisy) on a Mac.