MEAM.Design - MEAM 101 - PRESS


Using SolidWorks, design a three-dimensional object from sheet stock using press-fits (no adhesives allowed! Guidelines can be found here). You are strongly encouraged to use parametric modeling techniques on this assignment. Your object can use up to 50 square inches of material, it must include both acrylic and MDF in some way, and it must have at least two different thicknesses of one of the materials. For easy identification, cut or etch your name somewhere on your object. Furthermore, your project must be reasonably robust. Ie: your press-fits should not fall apart the moment someone picks op your project.


The scrap bins in the laser cutter room are your supply. You will want to inspect the materials before you complete your design, paying particular attention to the actual thickness of the stock. You should test your press-fit quality using small pieces before you cut your entire object. Also, please try to minimize waste when cutting from larger stock (always do a test run with the lid up to help position the material). Discard small remnants, but if there is useable material remaining, please return the sheet to the appropriate scrap bin.


2/18 - Design - Upload a pack-and-go zip folder of your design to Canvas. Please name the file

2/20 - Complete - Bring your finished object to the lab for all to see. We will keep your object for a short duration, after which you will be free to do with it as you wish.