MEAM.Design - MEAM 101 - LOCOMOTE - Teams
We will be working in groups of three or four on this project:
Section 101 (10:30 p.m.)
A - Sterling, Julian, Patrick
B - Ni, Eduardo, Junda
C - Chris, Parker, Brendan
D - Mazin, Lindsay, Dillon
E - Lincoln, Taku, Lauren
F - Peter, Adza, Augie
Section 102 (12:00 p.m.)
G - Teddy F, Andrew S, Daniel H
H - Alissa J, Riddhina G, Jason B
I - Sean C, David C, Antoni G
J - Matthew R, Pillip H, Andrew B
K - Moez A, Manolis K, Victor Q
L - Satya B, Austin G, Samuel G
Section 103 (1:30 p.m.)
M - Brian, Alberto, Nahman
N - Langston, Jeremy, Lauren
O - Daniel, Sam, Cam
P - Mike, Jesus, Patrick
Q - Danny, Charles, Amilcar
R - NO GROUP - Colin W, Ben J
Section 104 (3:00 p.m.)
S- Omar, Nicole, Brian
T - Micah Jaffe, Cheryl Liu, Ilana Teicher
U - Darrall Murchison, Nathaniel Chodosh, Ryan Solomon
V - Aubrey Chase, Elyse Chase,
W - Justin Gonsalves, Jasper Liu, Jeff Altmeier
X - Alon Krifcher, Abby Frank, Mauricio Tassano
Y - David Freifelder, Wanda Lipps, Nancy Fang
Section 105 (4:30 p.m.)
Z - Rachel, Paul, Zack
α - Ricardo, Shi
β - Wynn, Richard, Maulik
γ - Rhudii, Aaron, Rebecca
δ - John, Jason, Shaurya
ε -
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