
After too many late nights working on DISSECT, you awaken in a parallel universe. First thought: I'm still really tired. Second thought: This is cool! At first everything seems normal. But when you leave your apartment you notice that there aren't any cars. Or bikes. Or wheeled vehicles of any kind. In fact, while nearly every piece of modern technology exists in this parallel universe, the wheel has yet to be invented ("But wait! That's impossible!" you say. To which I respond: "You bought the whole 'parallel universe' thing, but not the wheel part? Come along now..."). You get to MEAM101, and you've been assigned the following team project:

Design and construct a non-rolling locomotive object powered by a single capacitively driven DC motor.

You resign yourself to the fact that DC motors exist in a universe without wheels, and begin to investigate what you've been given...


Pololu 15.5D 115:1 metal gearmotor
Pololu 3mm 4-40 mounting hub
Pololu 15.5D bracket with M2 screws
(PB-5R0V105-R) 1.0 Farad super capacitor X2
(M2011SS1W01/UC) panel-mount SPST toggle switch
(PJ-005A) panel-mount barrel connector
24AWG stranded wire (red, black, violet)
1/8" polyolefin 3:1 heatshrink
1/8" and 1/4" MDF and acrylic as needed (Use what is out or see a TA)
ANSI & Metric fasteners (visit the GM lab)
Random hardware (We have a few boxes of hardware in Towne 205, and there is a scrap area in the B11 lab from which you can pull random parts.)
Printed parts
Ordered components (You can order from via this Google Form).

Constraints, Requirements, and Incentives

  • No rolling contact between the locomotor and the ground will be permitted at any time
  • The locomotor cannot alter the ground upon which it locomotes
  • Awards will be given to the locomotor that travels the farthest on a full charge, the locomotor with the fastest time through a 50-centimeter speed trap, and the locomotor with the most creative locomotive system


  • Team Formation (4/10) - Now that you know what you'll be doing, the first step will be to select teams of three from within your lab section. Once you have found a group, place your names on the teams page. Please note your team letter!
  • Concept Review (4/17) - Meet with your TA and be prepared to show/discuss locomotive strategies, construction techniques, material selection, your project schedule, and any other relevant topics.
  • Competition (4/29) - It's time to locomote!
  • Poster (4/29) - Create an 11x17 poster to document and highlight your work. Subnmission details via Canvas for printing coming soon.

Background Information

Motor Circuit & Charging Instructions
Note: This year we are adding a second capacitor in Series to get more power. See a TA if you have any questions as the capacitors have a (+) and (-) end.

Good luck!