

  1. Baseball Pinball: A pinball system shaped like a baseball field. A slanted planar surface is the baseball field, and the marble, after being launched by the player, is hit repeatedly by a pinball-like bat until it falls into one of the holes on the field. Obstacles on the field make it more difficult to land the marble in one of the holes.
  2. A version of Carrom, a traditional Indian game. Carrom is a combination of pool, marbles and air hockey. It uses a square, wooden game board (29 inches X 29 inches) with four, corner pockets and is played by flicking a "striker" at the object pieces, resembling black and white checkers. The goal is to sink your nine pieces, plus the red, "queen", in the pockets first, thereby collecting points.
  3. A beer pong launcher, an essential accessory for any party.

Project Summary

Our project is a stationary ping pong ball launcher for use in beer pong and related games. It consists of a base with a T-track, a sliding nub, and a spring-loader launcher. The device is approximately 18 inches long and can be adjusted to change the difficulty level of the game. Complete with the University of Pennsylvania logo (though not endorsed by the University).

List of Materials

  • Ping pong balls (2+)
  • Party Cups (6+)
  • Wood
  • 2”x4” (1)
  • Plywood
  • ¼” (1)
  • Springs (1+)
  • Carpenter’s Wood Glue (1)
  • Wood Chisel + Hammer
  • ¼ Acrylic
  • Acrylic Glue
  • Nuts and Bolts (Diameter = .25inch; length = .35inch)
  • Metal Hinges


  • Cut wood for base unit with band saw
  • Laser cut moving parts
  • Designed hinge