MEAM.Design - SolidCAM - TL-1 Quick Guide
Quick Guide
- target must be single body
- have stock extend past bottom of part by 1”, use standard sizes
- 90° cut through part
- sketch of target profile, sketch of stock profile, in plane with one edge of 90° cut
CAM part definition
- SolidCAM ➝ new turning part
- external
- use model file directory
- inch units
- turning part data
- machine: MEAM_TL1
- coordinate system: bottom of stock, Z+ towards top of part, X+ out from center aligned with profile sketches
- note: if error saying multiple bodies hit escape and wait for SolidCAM to become responsive
- stock
- defined by ➝ 3D model
- type ➝ solids, select stock body
- envelope ➝ uncheck all
- target
- type ➝ solids, select target body
- generate envelope/section ➝ uncheck envelope, check section (As of SolidCAM '15-'16)
- settings: do not touch
- tool ➝ import tool(s) ➝ navigate to folder containing tool table
- check to make sure tools are there (RHC, LHC, cut-off, boring)
- import all
- Set tool change offset
- settings
- tool change offset tab
- set (x,z) to (5,5) (the x value will double in the gcode and send to X10. Y5.)
turning operations
- geometry
- separate geometry into turning, facing using target sketches for profiles
- chain ➝ curve
- tool ➝ select desired tool
- levels
- safety distance ➝ 0.25
- technology
- general
- mode ➝ select appropriate approach to cut
- work type ➝ “rough” or “finish only”
- rough
- rough type ➝ select appropriate cut method
- step down ➝ select appropriate step down
- retreat distance ➝ 0.01
- direction ➝ one way
- rough angle ➝ select appropriate angle of roughing pass
- rough offset ➝ select appropriate amount of material to leave after roughing pass
- semi-finish/finish
- semi-finish ➝ select appropriate type of semi-finish pass
- stairs method options ➝ adjust details of stairs
- semi finish offset ➝ select appropriate amount of material to leave after roughing pass
- finish ➝ select appropriate type of semi finish pass
- stairs method options ➝ adjust details of stairs
- finish on ➝ choose to cut only in areas with rest material or to cover whole part again
- semi-finish ➝ select appropriate type of semi-finish pass
- strategies
- descending motion ➝ descending motions
- partial machining ➝ uncheck
- geometry splitting ➝ split geometry into sections along Z-axis as required
- break edges
- internal corners ➝ uncheck
- external corners ➝ uncheck
- general
- link
- approach point ➝ from right safety corner
- retract point ➝ from right safety corner
- finish lead in ➝ choose wether to have lead in motion before finish pass
- finish lead out ➝ choose wether to have lead out motion after finish pass
- misc parameters ➝ none
- save & calculate
- simulate
- exit
cutoff operations
- geometry
- separate geometry into cutoff contour using target sketches for profiles, make sure geometry is perpendicular to z-axis
- chain ➝ curve
- tool ➝ select cutoff tool
- levels
- safety distance ➝ 0.05
- technology ➝ general
- mode ➝ select appropriate approach to cut
- tool side ➝ left
- step down ➝ constant or step down
- release distance ➝ internal for thin parts, external for large parts
- use cycle ➝ no
- offset z ➝ 0 for post ops, ➝0 if not
- corner ➝ none
- link
- approach point ➝ from right safety corner
- retract point ➝ from right safety corner
- finish lead in ➝ choose wether to have lead in motion before finish pass
- finish lead out ➝ choose wether to have lead out motion after finish pass
- misc parameters ➝ none
- save & calculate
- simulate
- exit
CAM simulation
- SolidVerify: useful for checking for collisions — simulates fixtures (chuck) as well
- Rest Material: useful for checking that geometry will turn out as expected
- Turning: fastest operation-by-operation method — 2D editor style tool path generation
exporting GCode
- find and replace “S1600.” with “S1600”
- after each tool change check to make sure home position is not at X203. or Y203.
Zero in X-direction
- insert tool and take a cut on a piece of scrap stock exiting the cut in the z-direction
- hand jog into position to cut
- MDI DNC ➝ M03 S1000 to start the spindle
- hand jog in to cut (from z-direction for standard cutting tools and x-direction for part off/grooving)
- exit the cut in the z-direction
- use file to deburr
- measure diameter with micrometer
- offset menue ➝ x-diameter measure ➝ use cancel to delete any existing value and insert measured diameter value ➝ write-enter