MEAM.Design - SolidCAM - Verify Plus
\\VerifyPlus is one of the many formats for viewing a simulation of the tool paths. To access VerifyPlus, right-click on "Operations" from the SolidCAM tree and select "Simulate." Alternatively, click the "Simulate" button from within a current operation that you are working on. Once the simulation opens, select the VerifyPlus tab as shown in the image below.
There are many disadvantages with this form of simulating. First of all, if you are simulating an individual operation, it will simulate the milling of this operation from your stock, as if it is the first operation. Also, it tends to run relatively slowly, so it is not good for long operations. The one advantage it has is that it represents the geometry of your part relatively well, so you can see details on how the tools will cut.