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Data for PET

Density 1.37 Grams/ CubicCentimeter
UTS 9.4 Kpsi
Hardness - -
Glass transition 75 C
Melting 260 C
Boiling - C
Ignite - C
Price point $7.52 / foot 3/4" x 12" cast round, smallparts PER-0250-06-01
Recycle 1


Patented in 1941 by Calico Printers' Association

PET bottle introduced in 1973


Can be amorphous (transparent) or semi-crystalline (trans. or semi-opaque)

Excellent wear resistance

No porosity, low absorption

Low friction, high flexural modulus, superior dimensional stability

Good gas/moisture barrier (bottled drinks, sodas)

To form amorphous, have to cool quickly so they can’t arrange into crystals


Synthetic fibers ”Polyester“ (60%)

Thin film ”Mylar“


  • Food/Beverage/Liquid Containters (30%)
  • Only when crystallized can it be microwavable
  • Printing Inks
  • Water Purification Products

Recycled: synthetic fibers, polar fleece, etc.


Good thermoforming

Making bottles - 2 step (test-tube ”preform“ w/ threads - then blow) and 1 step blow-molding

Trivia - some candy containers made from preforms