MEAM.Design - 3D Printing - Queue Submission

To have a part printed on the Dimension, send an email to entitled "Dimension-PennKey-BillTo" (where PennKey is the part of your email address before the @ sign and BillTo is an abbreviation of who/what will be paying for your job) containing the following:

0. Printer: Dimension
1. Your name:
2. Payment source: (class number, research lab, personal funds, etc.)
3. Layer resolution: (0.007" or 0.010")
4. Fill style: (solid or sparse) - We suggest sparse to reduce price unless you require the strength of a solid-fill part.
5. Desired color: (black, white, red, blue, gray, or no preference) - Dependent upon availability. We will notify you if your desired color is unavailable.
6. Special instructions: (quantity, required orientation, etc.)
7. Part size: Please estimate the extents using of your part so that we can ensure that it is scaled properly. Provide height, width, and length measurements (including units), not a volume measurement.
8. STL file(s) name(s): - Make sure to attach your part file(s)!

To have a part printed on the Objet, send an email to entitled "Objet-PennKey-BillTo" (where PennKey is the part of your email address before the @ sign and BillTo is an abbreviation of who/what will be paying for your job) containing the following:

0. Printer: Objet
1. Your name:
2. Payment source: (class number , research lab, personal funds, etc.)
3. Desired material/color: (VeroWhitePlus, VeroBlackPlus, DurusWhite, or no preference) - Note that changing color on the Objet incurs a $30 fee. We will notify you if this is necessary before printing your part.
4. Surface finish: (matte or glossy)
4. Special instructions (quantity, required orientation, etc.)
5. Part size: Please estimate the extents of your part so that we can ensure that it is scaled properly. Provide height, width, and length measurements (including units), not a volume measurement.
6. STL file(s) name(s): - Make sure to attach your part file(s)!

To have a part printed on the ProJet, send an email to entitled "ProJet-PennKey-BillTo" (where PennKey is the part of your email address before the @ sign and BillTo is an abbreviation of who/what will be paying for your job) containing the following:

0. Printer: ProJet
1. Your name:
2. Payment source: (class number, research lab, personal funds, etc.)
3. Layer resolution: (0.004" or 0.002")
4. Desired material/color: (clear polycarbonate or off-white polypropylene) - Dependent upon availability. Note that changing color on the ProJet incurs a $15 fee. We will notify you if this is necessary before printing your part. NOTE: We will not be able to support our off-white polypropylene material over the summer. This material will be available again in the Fall.
5. Special instructions: (quantity, required orientation, etc.)
6. Part size: Please estimate the extents of your part so that we can ensure that it is scaled properly. Provide height, width, and length measurements (including units), not a volume measurement.
7. STL file(s) name(s): - Make sure to attach your part file(s)!

Parts will begin printing as soon as possible. Once your job has completed printing, the part(s) will be cleaned of support material and you will receive an email to arrange for payment and pickup of your part(s).