MEAM.Design - SAAST - M2 Custom Function Library
Here you will find a library of custom functions to provide easy access to many of the lower-level functions of the m2. Installation instructions can be found near the bottom of the page.
Provided Constants and Functions
Useful Constants:
| 1 | |
| 0 | |
| 0 | |
| 1 | |
| 2 | |
B0 ... F7
| port pins |
m_init( )
| disable JTAG and set the clock speed to 16MHz | |
m_disableJTAG( )
| disable the JTAG functionality to provide access to F4-F7 pins | |
| reduce the system clock by 2^n for n=0 to 8 (the default is 0, which provides a 16MHz clock) |
Bit Manipulation:
| sets the n-th bit of register | |
| clears the n-th bit of register | |
| toggles the n-th bit of register | |
| returns the state of the n-th bit of register |
| delay the microcontroller for an integer number of milliseconds (assumes a 16 MHz system clock, max 65,535) |
Onboard LEDs:
| set state to either ON, OFF, or TOGGLE to change the red onboard LED | |
| set state to either ON, OFF, or TOGGLE to change the green onboard LED |
Digital Input/Output
m_gpio_out(channel, state)
| set the state of the specified digital output channel (B0 ... F7) to either ON or OFF | |
x = m_gpio_in(channel)
| read the state of the specified digital input channel (B0 ... F7), will return either 0 or 1 |
Analog Inputs
x = m_adc(channel)
| read the value of the specified analog input channel (subset of B0 ... F7), where result will be between 0 and 1023 corresponding to 0V to 5V. See here to find out which pins can be used for analog inputs. |
mBUS Communications
m_bus_init( )
| initialize the m2 data bus, which uses pins D0-D2 and is available through the 5-pin end header. When new data is available from a slave, the INT2_vect interrupt will be triggered, and must be handled accordingly. |
PWM Outputs
x = m_pwm_timer(timer, freq)
| configure the PWM timer (0, 1, 3, or 4) to a floating-point frequency in Hertz. Will return 0 if error. | |
x = m_pwm_output(timer, channel, state)
| connect (state=ON) or disconnect (state=OFF) a PWM timer (0, 1, 3, or 4) to an output (timer 0, channel 1 = D0); (timer 1, channel 1 = B6, channel 2 = B7); (timer 3, channel 1 = C6); (timer 4, channel 1 = C7, channel 2 = B5, channel 3 = D7). Will return 0 if error. | |
x = m_pwm_duty(timer, channel, duty)
| set the floating point (0.0 to 100.0) duty cycle for a timer channel: (timer 0, channel 1 = D0); (timer 1, channel 1 = B6, channel 2 = B7); (timer 3, channel 1 = C6); (timer 4, channel 1 = C7, channel 2 = B5, channel 3 = D7). Will return 0 if error. |
RF Wireless Communications
x = m_rf_open(channel, RXaddress, packet_length)
| configure the RF subsystem on the mBUS to listen to a desired address (0x00 to 0xFF) over a wireless channel (1-32, TX/RX must match) with a specified packet length (1-32, TX/RX must match). | |
x = m_rf_read(buffer, packet_length)
| retrieve packet_length bytes from the receive buffer into buffer .
| |
x = m_rf_send(TXaddress, buffer, packet_length)
| send the message contained in buffer of packet_length (1-32, TX/RX must match) bytes to an specified address (0x00 to 0xFF).
USB Communications
m_usb_init( )
| initialize the USB subsystem and attempt to connect to a computer | |
x = m_usb_isconnected( )
| confirm that the USB port is connected to a computer. | |
x = m_usb_rx_available( )
| returns the number of bytes (up to 255) in the receive buffer | |
x = m_usb_rx_char( )
| retrieve the oldest byte from the receive buffer | |
m_usb_rx_flush( )
| flush the receive buffer | |
| place a single byte into the TX buffer and transmit as a character | |
| place a 16-bit unsigned int into the TX buffer, send as four hex-valued characters | |
| place a 16-bit signed int into the TX buffer, send a decimal characters | |
| place a 16-bit unsigned int into the TX buffer, send a decimal characters | |
| place a 32-bit signed long into the TX buffer, send a decimal characters | |
| place a 32-bit unsigned int into the TX buffer, send a decimal characters | |
| place a string into the TX buffer |
MX-Specific: Useful Constants:
| 0 | |
| 1 | |
A ... K
| mX-specific ports |
MX-Specific: Initialization:
mx_init( )
| set up the m2 to work with the mX board (should always be called first) |
MX-Specific: RC Servo Control Outputs
| enable an RC servo output channel ((G, H, I, or J) | |
mx_servo(channel, percent)
| set an RC servo output channel ((G, H, I, or J) to a percentage between 0.0 and 100.0* |
MX-Specific: DC Motor Outputs / Encoder Inputs
mx_motor(channel, dir, percent)
| set a DC motor output channel (1 or 2) to a direction (CW or CCW) and a percentage between 0.0 and 100.0 | |
| reset the encoder counter for the specified channel (1 or 2) | |
result = mx_encoder(channel)
| read the specified encoder channel (1 or 2) |
* You must talk to Jonathan to figure out what this asterisk means
Windows / AVR Studio
#include "saast.h"
to the top of your main.c file
#include "saast.h"
to the top of your main.c file