The course is divided in to four equal sections:
- Planning
- Dynamics and Control
- State Estimation and
- Distributed Algorithms
Lecture | Date | Topic |
1 | Jan 15 | PLANNING: Introduction, planning via graph searches, methods for cell decomposition and skeletonization of workspaces Attach:introtomotionplanning.pdf |
2 | Jan 20 | PLANNING: A* search Attach:astar_meam620.pdf |
3 | Jan 22 | PLANNING: Real-time planning and re-planning I (incremental, anytime and agent-centered graph searches) Attach:realtimeplan1_meam620.pdf |
4 | Jan 27 | PLANNING: Real-time planning and re-planning II (incremental, anytime and agent-centered graph searches) Attach:realtimeplan2_meam620.pdf
5 | Jan 29 | PLANNING: Sampling-based planning (PRM, RRT) Attach:samplingbasedplan_meam620.pdf |
6 | Feb 3 | PLANNING: Planning under uncertainty I (minimax formulation, minimax A*, MDPs, value iteration, policy iteration, RTDP) Attach:planunderuncertainty1_meam620.pdf |
7 | Feb 5 | PLANNING: Planning under uncertainty II (POMDPs, incomplete information states, belief state-spaces) Attach:planunderuncertainty2_meam620.pdf |
8 | Feb 10 | DYNAMICS and CONTROL: Rigid body transformations, Representations of SO(3) and SE(3), Lagrangian Formulation Attach:Dynamics_Control_1.pdf
9 | Feb 12 | DYNAMICS and CONTROL: Lie algebras, Lie bracket, Nonholonomic systems Attach:Dynamics_Control_2.pdf
10 | Feb 17 | DYNAMICS and CONTROL: Lagrangian formulation for nonholonomic systems, Differential drive robot Attach:Dynamics_Control_3.pdf
11 | Feb 19 | DYNAMICS and CONTROL: Stability, Lyapunov theory, Controllability Attach:Dynamics_Control_4.pdf |
12 | Feb 24 | DYNAMICS and CONTROL: Control of a differential drive robot, Path following controllers Attach:Dynamics_Control_5.pdf
13 | Feb 26 | DYNAMICS and CONTROL: Chained forms, Backstepping algorithms Attach:Dynamics_Control_6.pdf |
14 | Mar 3 | DYNAMICS and CONTROL: Navigation functions Attach:Dynamics_Control_7.pdf
15 | Mar 5 | ESTIMATION: Basic Probability Theory and Kalman Filtering, Slides
16 | Mar 17 | ESTIMATION: Kalman Filter and the Extended Kalman Filter, Adaptive Filtering, Slides |
17 | Mar 19 | ESTIMATION: Unscented Kalman Filter, Adaptive UKF, Monte Carlo Sampling, Particle Filters |
18 | Mar 24 | ESTIMATION: Robot motion models, Sensor models, Multi-Hypotheses tracking, Project Description |
19 | Mar 26 | ESTIMATION |
20 | Mar 31 | ESTIMATION Project Details Project Map |
21 | Apr 2 | DISTRIBUTED ALGORITHMS: Hybrid Systems, Graph Theory
22 | Apr 7 | DISTRIBUTED ALGORITHMS: Minimum Spanning Tree Algorithm, Algebraic Graph Theory and Applications
23 | Apr 9 | DISTRIBUTED ALGORITHMS: Networked Systems, Distributed vs. Centralized Control, Consensus Algorithm
24 | Apr 14 | DISTRIBUTED ALGORITHMS: Consensus Algorithm (cont'd), Multi-Agent Flocking
25 | Apr 16 | DISTRIBUTED ALGORITHMS: Auction Algorithm for the Assignment Problem
26 | Apr 23 | DISTRIBUTED ALGORITHMS: Distributed Connectivity Control
27 | May 6 | Final project presentations
28 | May 8 | Final project presentations |