Project 1

Phase 3

2/15/2012: Update: Guaranteed environment opening changed. Check pdf. Code is the same.

2/8/2012: Phase 3 assigned.

Phase 3, Code

Phase 2

1/31/2012: Updates - Added lqr notes and requirement for students who have taken 535 (sections 6, 7.3, 7.4).Removed duplicate 'controller design section'. Code is the same. Changed submission title from MEAM620 to PHASE2.

Phase 2, simulation code

1/30/2012: update 2 pm - submission requirements changed

Phase 1

1/18/2012: Please download this version (the writeup is the same as 1/15/2012) and hw1-1-updated.pdf

1/17/2012: and hw1-1-updated.pdf

1/15/2012: and hw1-1-updated.pdf

1/11/2012: Original downloads (disabled) hw1-1.pdf and