Project 1
Phase 3
2/15/2012: Update: Guaranteed environment opening changed. Check pdf. Code is the same.
2/8/2012: Phase 3 assigned.
Phase 2
1/31/2012: Updates - Added lqr notes and requirement for students who have taken 535 (sections 6, 7.3, 7.4).Removed duplicate 'controller design section'. Code is the same. Changed submission title from MEAM620 to PHASE2.
1/30/2012: update 2 pm - submission requirements changed
Phase 1
1/18/2012: Please download this version (the writeup is the same as 1/15/2012) and hw1-1-updated.pdf
1/17/2012: and hw1-1-updated.pdf
1/15/2012: and hw1-1-updated.pdf
1/11/2012: Original downloads (disabled) hw1-1.pdf and