Homework Late Policy

Late homework submissions will be penalized. There will be a flat penalty of 20% of your homework grade plus an additional 2% for each late day beyond the first until the 5th day. No homework will be accepted after 5 days from the due date.

Academic Code of Conduct

You are all expected to follow the Penn Code of Academic Integrity with all of your work. Please read these guidelines carefully. If you are uncertain about anything, make sure to ask us before you submit your assignment. We take violations of this Code very seriously. In particular, please be aware of the standards defining plagiarism of code and that for any assignment with tuned constants (PID gains, Kalman Gains, etc), we expect students to individually find these parameters.

Group Work Policy

Students are strongly encouraged to work together on homework and programming assignments, but all submitted homework solutions and written code must be each student's individual work. If you work with others, be sure to write their names on the assignments. For written homework, write their names at the top of the page. For coding assignments, please write their names in a comment at the top of the main file.

Homework 1

This homework is due Friday, January 22, 2016 at 11:59pm, via Canvas. Please type submissions (using the provided LaTex template) or scan your handwritten solutions and include your name and email.


Homework 2

This homework is due Friday, January 29, 2016 at 11:59pm, via Canvas. Please type submissions (using the provided LaTex template) or scan your handwritten solutions and include your name and email.


Homework 3

This homework is due Friday, March 18, 2016 at 11:59pm, via Canvas. Please type submissions (using the provided LaTex template) or scan your handwritten solutions and include your name and email. The code for Problem 1 should be submitted via turnin.


Homework 4

This homework is due Sunday, April 24, 2016 at 6:00pm, via Canvas. Please type submissions or scan your handwritten solutions and include your name and email.

Assignment (Updated)