Homework Late Policy

Late homework submissions will be penalized. There will be a flat penalty of 20% of your homework grade (no 20% penalty for HW 0) plus an additional 2% for each late day beyond the first until the 5th day. No homework will be accepted after 5 days from the due date.

Homework 0

This homework is due Wed, January 14th, 1:29 PM.

You have to submit your code through the turnin system, explanation about which is given in the assignment text.

Student Code

Homework 1

This homework is due Mon, January 26, 11:59 PM, via Canvas. Please type submissions (LaTex template provided below) and include your name and email.

LaTeX template


Homework 2

This homework is due Feb. 18, 2015, 11:59pm, via Canvas. Please type submissions (LaTeX template provided below for convenience, but you can use any word processor).

LaTeX template


Homework 3

This homework is due Mar. 4, 2015, 11:59pm, via Canvas. Please type submissions (LaTeX template provided below for convenience, but you can use any word processor).

LaTeX template

Midterm 1

Solutions and Grading Information

Homework 4

This homework is due April. 8, 2015, 11:59pm, via Canvas. Please type submissions (LaTeX template provided below for convenience, but you can use any word processor).

LaTeX template

Homework 5

This homework is due April. 13, 2015, 11:59pm, via Canvas.

Student Code