Feel free to add your own Question/Answer and fix typos

Important: when uploading a file (M files should be ok to upload now) give it a unique name. All files are saved in one directory, so if you give it a name that other people already used then you are going to overwrite the other file.

To add your page:

  • Add your name to the list of Project Pages (on this page).
  • Secure your page by adding password for editing and/or viewing:
    • Move to your page and then add at the end of the URL the following:
    • Put in place password for read access to your page. (if you want to hide it)
    • Put in place password for editing/uploading/attr (changing password). You can use the same password for all.
    • To remove password portection put the word clear as a password.
  • You can now edit your page , put your code there, upload images and other files etc.

How to upload a file? (up to 20MB)

  • Add your file in the following format:
    [[(Attach:)FileName.ext | File Title ]]
  • Save the page.
  • You will see your file name with a little triangle.
  • press the triangle to go to the upload page.
  • browse your computer to find your file, name it and then upload it.

How to to display an image?

  • The same as uploading a file. The only difference is that you attach the image not as a link:
    Attach:ImageName.jpg | Image Title not [[Attach:ImageName.jpg | Image Title]]
  • You can control the size of the image by adding this before the attached image, at the beginning of the line:
    %width=100 height=200% Attach:ImageName.jpg | Image Title

What is Wiki?

Here are some useful pages installed along with the PmWiki software :

More information about PmWiki can be found at http://www.pmwiki.org/.

Can I use LaTex ?

Yes,it is easy to embed mathematical formulas in wiki pages using the LaTeX math expression syntax.

The markup {$ and $} can be used to embed a formula in a wiki page. For example, the markup:

{$ x^2 + y^2 = z^2 $}


x^2 + y^2 = z^2