Kinect & Matlab
Brief Summary
This page describes how you can retrieve RGB and Depth images from your Kinect into Matlab using ROS. Every researcher's dream.
Note: If you are in the ROSLab, then no need to worry about installing anything because everything is installed correctly. Just make sure you are configured to use diamondback. If you are - then the IPC-bridge is already configured for you.
- ROS Diamondback is installed and set as your ROS_ROOT (tutorial).
- The openni_kinect stack is compiled and in your ROS_PACKAGE_PATH. Also, you added your user to the 'video' group on your machine (tutorial).
- IPC-Bridge is installed and in your ROS_PACKAGE_PATH (tutorial).
- You have matlab :)
How to Use it
- Download this example matlab script. Start matlab and open the script.
- Download this launch file. Launch the launch file. Check the terminal for any errors. You should not see any errors whatsoever if everything launched correctly. (Note: Launch files do not need to be placed in your ROS_PACKAGE_PATH...You can launch them from anywhere.)
roslaunch kinect-matlab.launch
- In matlab, run your script by pressing 'F5'.
- You might drop 1 or 2 frames at the start of the program but then you should see a window pop up displaying streaming depth and rgb images.
Example Launch file
Here is an example launch file that brings up the proper Kinect nodes, IPC node, and IPC-Bridge message nodes for the two topics that we are interested in here.
<launch> <include file="$(find openni_camera)/launch/openni_node.launch" /> <node pkg="ipc" name="central" type="central" output="screen" args="-su"> </node> <node pkg="ipc_sensor_msgs" name="kinect_rgb_image_node" type="sensor_msgs_Image_publisher" output="screen"> <remap from="~topic" to="/camera/rgb/image_color"/> <param name="message" value="rgb"/> </node> <node pkg="ipc_sensor_msgs" name="kinect_depth_image_node" type="sensor_msgs_Image_publisher" output="screen"> <remap from="~topic" to="/camera/depth/image_raw"/> <param name="message" value="depth"/> </node> </launch>
Example Matlab Script
Note: This script is by no means efficient whatsoever. I am open to all suggestions on how to improve it.
% Benjamin Cohen % Spring 2011 clear all; clc; close all; % add the ipc_bridge_matlab binaries to your path [a, p] = system('rospack find ipc_sensor_msgs'); addpath(strcat(p, '/bin')); % 'subscribe' to the RGB & Depth image topics sid=sensor_msgs_Image('connect','subscriber','kinect_rgb_image_node','rgb'); sid2=sensor_msgs_Image('connect','subscriber','kinect_depth_image_node','depth'); % this make for a nice spot & window size on my monitor figure('OuterPosition',[1,1,654,1125]); for i = 1:1000 tic % read a depth image depth_msg = sensor_msgs_Image('read',sid2,50000); % check if it's empty before we use it if(~isempty(depth_msg)) % convert from signed to unsigned < 0) = < 0) + 256; % depth is represented by 16-bit values but we receive 8-bit values % we first have to concatenate every adjacent pair of 8-bit numbers % beware of proper endianness (I think this is correct) c = bitor(bitshift(bitor(uint16(0),uint16(,8),uint16(; % convert the 1D vector into a 2D matrix c = reshape(c,640,480); % flip it horizontally about the center and then rotate the image c = fliplr(imrotate(c,-90)); % let's see what ya got subplot(2,1,1); imagesc(c);title('Kinect: Depth','FontSize',14,'FontWeight','Bold'); axis image;drawnow; else fprintf('depth is empty\n'); end % receive an RGB image rgb_msg = sensor_msgs_Image('read',sid, 50000); % always check to see we actually received a message if(~isempty(rgb_msg)) % convert from signed to unsigned < 0) = < 0) + 256; % scale it to 0.0<->1.0 to make matlab happy a = ./ 255; % convert 1D R,G,B, vectors into 2D image planes % flip them horizontally about the center a_r = fliplr(reshape(a(1:3:end),640,480)); a_g = fliplr(reshape(a(2:3:end),640,480)); a_b = fliplr(reshape(a(3:3:end),640,480)); % glue the image planes together to make an RGB image a_r(:,:,2) = a_g; a_r(:,:,3) = a_b; % rotate the image 90 degrees a_r = imrotate(a_r,90); % let's see what ya got subplot(2,1,2); imagesc(a_r); title('Kinect: RGB','FontSize',14,'FontWeight','Bold'); axis image; drawnow; else fprintf('rgb is empty\n'); end toc end
Written by Ben Cohen