A long time ago...

  • Started in Spring 2010. (ben & daniel)
  • Server upgrade in Spring 2011. (ben & daniel)


  • Install CUDA on the machines.

Admin Log

8/14/2012 (ben)

  • Updated the six original workstations. Installed ros-fuerte-arm-navigation, ros-fuerte-pr2-gui on them. They are working nicely.
  • Note: The lab hasn't been used much and summer students are pushing them out of the way and using their laptops instead. Lab members are borrowing monitors, mice & keyboards and not returning them. About two weeks ago, I went in and fixed up the place. One keyboard was even covered in coffee!

11/13/2011 (ben)

  • Installed virtualbox-ose, virtualbox-guest-additions on apricot,date,fig,prune for the students who use the Nao robots.
  • Installed the webots simulator on apricot,date,fig,prune for the students who use the Darwin-Ops or the Nao robots. I followed the tutorial on the webots site to install it from the apt-get repository.

11/12/2011 (ben)

  • The server backup returned an error. rsync seemed to have work for the most part except that it returned exit code 24 which means "24 Partial transfer due to vanished source files". I wonder if a student was working on a machine when it was running, and deleted a file that it had planned to synchronize?
    • After looking into it further, only two small hidden files vanished in a particular home directory and I think it was because the student was using the machine.

11/8/2011 (ben)

  • Installed swig on fig,prune,date,apricot for Yida Zhang. Will install it on the remaining machines once they are up.

11/7/2011 (ben)

  • Installed liblua5.1-0-dev, lua5.1 on fig,prune,date,apricot for Yida Zhang. Will install it on the remaining machines once they are up.

8/30/2011 (ben)

  • Installed libogre-dev upon request. It's installed on all machines except raisin which isn't currently plugged in.
  • Followed this tutorial. Installed ros-diamondback-nxtall upon request by another student. It's installed on all machines except raisin which isn't currently plugged in.
  • Did a full apt-get update on all of the machines (except raisin). D-back has been fully updated.
  • No response to Charity's email yet about the two missing monitors.

8/1/2011 (ben)

  • Charity sent out an email to the grasp-now list about the two missing monitors.

7/28/2011 (ben)

  • Reimaged raisin because a student borrowed it for the weekend for a project.
  • We are having bizarre networking problems where the DHCP client on the machines would crap out on bootup and not pull an IP address and then the machines won't allow users to login. I set static IPs in /etc/network/interfaces files for apricot,prune & date. craisin has been working without the static IP so I left it as is. fig is missing a monitor as well as raisin. I'll put raisin back after I give it a static IP as well.

7/20/2011 (ben)

  • Sadly two monitors were stolen from the lab sometime in the last week. I put up a sign asking that the borrowers should return them but no one did. I couldn't find them anywhere in the GRASP Lab.

6/20/2011 (ben)

  • Modified the firewall so Lukasz can communicate using ROS between his desktop and the ROSLab machines.

4/30/2011 (ben)

  • apricot, craisin & fig mysteriously, one by one, lost their network connectivity over the last 2 weeks. They couldn't pull IP addresses and the ethernet device was down on a couple of them at bootup. The weird part is that I was able to pull an IP address from craisin when booting to a livecd. I'm not sure if it's CETS fault or not (they have been known to serve IP addresses to random machines that are supposed to be designated as static IPs to specific machines...I'm not sure how everything works so I don't know). I don't know why it happened but today I re-imaged them with an image from 3/29. That seemed to fix the problem.

4/16/2011 (ben)

  • Installed ocropus & ocropus-data for Menglong.

4/15/2011 (ben)

  • Updated all of the cturtle and dback packages (400MB) because there was a bug in the ros-cturtle-geometry stack. PyKDL was broken in the KDL package. The upgrade fixed it.

3/31/2011 (ben)

  • I restored fig's image onto date using the new version of clonezilla. It worked fine.
  • raisin & craisin are the only two machines that should be reimaged because they seem to have had issues when upgrading to Lucid.
  • I installed the right hand side printer in the grasp lab on all of the workstations. It's tested working.

3/29/2011 (ben)

  • Saved an image of one of the workstations (fig). Tried to restore it to date but there are grub issues. I think the I recorded the image incorrectly (didn't record the MBR). Will try again tonight.
  • Tried again with a new image from prune and still had the grub issue.
    • UPDATE: The version of CloneZilla that I was using did not support Grub 2 which gets installed with Lucid. (clonezilla 1.2.8 works)

3/24/2011 (ben & daniel)

  • Set up a cron job to run a backup script every night at 4am.
  • Need to verify that it's functioning properly.

3/21/2011 (ben)

  • Installed a SATA 3.0 PCI Express Controller Card
  • Installed a 1TB hard drive to be used as a backup drive.