MAST 2015 Program Review


Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Mobility, Control and Energetics (MCE) Thrust

0815MCE-15Mobility, Control and Energetics (MCE) Thrust IntroductionSean Humbert, UMDpdf
0830MCE-15-1.1GPU-Based CFD Analysis For Rotary-and-Flapping-Wing-Based MAVsJames Baeder, UMDpdf
0840MCE-15-1.2Bio-Inspired Tandem-Wings:Kinematics, Flow Physics, Gust Tolerance and Maneuverability for MAST-Scale Aerial PlatformsStuart Laurence, UMDpdf
0850MCE-15-1.3Highly-Maneuverable, High-Speed, Optimized Next-Generation Micro CyclocopterMoble Benedict, UMDpdf
0900MCE-15-1.4Robust Comprehensive CFD/CSD Methodology for Multidisciplinary Design Optimization of MAST-Scale Aerial VehiclesInder Chopra, UMDpdf
0910MCE-15-1.5Comprehensive Reduced Order Modeling and Validation for Loads and FlightMingjun Wei, NMSUpdf
0920MCE-15-2.1Robophysical approach to discovery of principles of effective interaction of ambulatory robots in multicomponent environmentsDan Goldman, GaTechpdf
0930MCE-15-2.2Bio-inspired Principles of TransitionsBob Full, UCBpdf
0940MCE-15-2.3Bio-inspired Principles of TransitionsBob Full, UCBpdf
0950MCE-15-2.4Foot and Ankle Design for Dynamic LocomotionRon Fearing, UCBpdf
1000MCE-15-2.5Understanding Micro Ground Vehicle Mobility in Heterogeneous TerrainsRudra Mukherjee, JPLpdf
1010MCE-15-3.1Ultra-high energy density TPV generator for small robotic platforms : First ever demonstration of fuel powered robot with extreme rangeIvan Celanovic, MITpdf
1020MCE-15-4.1Bio-Inspired Sensorimotor Control for MAST-Scale Aerial PlatformsSean Humbert, UMDpdf
1045MCE-15-4.2System Identification of MAST Scale PlatformsSean Humbert, UMDpdf
1055MCE-15-4.3Unraveling Avian Gusts Mitigation Strategies to make MAVs more Robust - Part 1David Lentink, Stanfordpdf
1055MCE-15-4.3Unraveling Avian Gusts Mitigation Strategies to make MAVs more Robust - Part 2David Lentink, Stanfordpdf
1105MCE-15-4.4Integrated Air-Surface Operation for Micro Air VehiclesMark Cutkosky, Stanfordpdf
1115MCE-15-4.5Landing, perching, and grasping for micro aerial vehiclesVijay Kumar, UPENNpdf
1125MCE-15-4.6Controlled Mobility for Multi-Robot Risk-Tolerant ReconnaissanceBert Tanner, UDELpdf
1135MCE-15-4.7Learning to Adapt Mobility to 3-D Unstructured EnvironmentsPieter Abbeel, UCBpdf

Joint Experiment(JX) Thrust

1245JX-15Joint Experiment (JX) Thrust IntroductionLarry Matthies, JPLpdf
1300JX-15-1Dynamic Locomotion in Urban EnvironmentRon Fearing, UCBpdf
1310JX-15-2Aggressive flight using approximate inverse depth modelsNick Roy, MITpdf
1320JX-15-3Autonomous MAV perch-and-stare toward persistence surveillanceLarry Matthies, JPLpdf
1330JX-15-4Heterogeneous Robot Teams for Mapping of EnvironmentsLarry Matthies, JPLpdf
1340JX-15-5Collective, high-speed indoor reconnaissanceVijay Kumar, UPENNpdf