Microelectronics Program Review
March 11 & 12, 2010 - UMICH
March 11
Center Overview
1.0 Power System Overview
1.2 Transpiration
1.1 Solar Cells (UNM)
1.1 Solar Cells (UMich)
2.0 Navigation System Overview
2.1 HAIR for Inertial Sensing
4.3 Actuated HAIR
2.2 mm-wave Radar
March 12
4.0 Sensor Subsystem Overview
4.1 micro Gas Chromatograph
4.2 micro Geiger Counter
4.4 iCube
3.0 Radio Subsystem Overview
3.1 Direct Digital Modulation
3.3 Micromechanical Mixler
3.2 Low-power reconfigurable radio
3.4 Switchable Ferroelectric-based Resonators and Filters
3.5 Miniaturized and Structural Antennas
3.6 Repeaters
5.0 Low-power Computing Overview
5.1 Low-Power DSPs
5.3 Removing Guard-banding
Wrap-up Δ