Help->Uploading Images

  • Go to Repository->Photographs
  • Click 'Edit' - you will be prompted for the edit password if you have not already edited pages on wiki during current session
  • Create a new page, where the images will be displayed and stored by writing [[ Photos.NewPage | page description ]] in the place where you would like to see the link to the new page (e.g. below all the existing content). 'NewPage' should be replaced by the appropriate page name. Please try to avoid blanks in the names. Then click 'save'.
  • Now you should be viewing the Photographs page and should see the link that you have just created with a question mark, like this (new page?). Click on your link - this will let you edit the contents and insert the actual photos.
  • In order to upload an image and have it displayed right on the page, write the following: Attach:image.jpg
  • If you would like to post a link to the page without displaying it, write [[Attach:image.jpg | download image]] . This will create a link with text "download image" which will point to the image file "image.jpg"
  • Once you have written either of the two options above, save the page and you will see a link with a triangle in the upper right corner, like this: (download image Δ) . This means that you now need to upload the actual file. Click on the link and you will be prompted for the upload password.
  • After authorization, you will be redirected to the upload page, where you can select the file to upload and then click the upload button. Do not change "name attachment as" field, since you want the file to have the same name as in the link, created earlier.
  • If there are too many images to upload one-by-one, you may choose to store them in an archive file and upload it exactly the same way as described above.
  • In order to specify the dimensions of the image, you may write %width=500px% Attach:image.jpg, which will set the width and automatically adjust the height in order to maintain the aspect ratio.
  • Once you have uploaded a file (photo), you can link to it without having to re-upload it - all the links will be automatically pointing to the file as long as the provided filename exists.