
Lyle Ungar
Office hours: Wed 12:00-1:00 (held here)
and by appointment

Office hours

Click link for the zoom session; see below for the key with the full name of the TA.

All TA hours unless otherwise noted will be on zoom.

1 am     RW 
2 am     RW 
3 am       
4 am       
5 am       
6 am       
7 am    QJ  
8 am    QJ  
9 amSL  SL   
10 am    YYSLPW
11 am   MKYY PW
noon  LU    
1 pm       
2 pm      TS
3 pm      TS
4 pmPC  YZ   
5 pmPC  YZKS  
6 pm    KS  
7 pm   GRMK  
8 pm   GR MZ 
9 pm   HZ MZ 
10 pm   HZ   
11 pm MP     

Teaching Assistants

PC Pooja Consul
SH Siyun Hu
QJ Qingrong "Margaret" Ji
MK Mohit Kumaraian
SL Shaozhe Lyu
MP Mihir Parmar
GR Gautam Ramesh
KS Kenneth Shinn
VS Viraat Singh
PW Pengrui Wang
RW Ruiming "Ray" Wu
YY Yang Yan
HZ Hanwen Zhang
YZ Yide Zhao
MZ Michael Zhou
TS Tejas Srivastava

Administrative Assistant

Nick Mancuso
Office: 310 Levine