Warning: "continue" targeting switch is equivalent to "break". Did you mean to use "continue 2"? in /cgihome/cis520/html/dynamic/2016/wiki/pmwiki.php on line 691
Warning: "continue" targeting switch is equivalent to "break". Did you mean to use "continue 2"? in /cgihome/cis520/html/dynamic/2016/wiki/pmwiki.php on line 694
Warning: Use of undefined constant MathJaxInlineCallback - assumed 'MathJaxInlineCallback' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /cgihome/cis520/html/dynamic/2016/wiki/cookbook/MathJax.php on line 84
Warning: Use of undefined constant MathJaxEquationCallback - assumed 'MathJaxEquationCallback' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /cgihome/cis520/html/dynamic/2016/wiki/cookbook/MathJax.php on line 88
Warning: Use of undefined constant MathJaxLatexeqrefCallback - assumed 'MathJaxLatexeqrefCallback' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /cgihome/cis520/html/dynamic/2016/wiki/cookbook/MathJax.php on line 94
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Edit Variables← Debug Variables | Variables | I18n Variables → To set many of the variables below specify them in
where REGEXP is a regular expression which will identify the pages to be autocreated, and PAGE_PARAMETERS is an array of attributes for the page to be created. For example,
$AutoCreate['/^Category\\./'] = array('ctime' => $Now);
will create a blank page with a current creation time for any missing Category page.
$DefaultPageTextFmt = '(:include $[{$SiteGroup}.PageNotFound]:)';
# change delete word to “remove”
$DeleteKeyPattern = “^\\s*remove\\s*$”;
# delete any page with no visible text, i.e., empty
$DeleteKeyPattern = “^\\s*$”;
$DiffKeepDays = 30; # keep revisions at least 30 days
Note that a specific page revision isn’t removed from the page until the first edit after the time specified by $DiffKeepDays has elapsed. Thus, it’s still possible for some pages to have revisions older than $DiffKeepDays — such revisions will be removed the next time those pages are edited.
$DiffKeepNum = 50; # keep at least 50 revisions (default is 20)
$DraftActionsPattern = 'edit|pmform|translate'; # Enable drafts for actions ‘edit’, ‘pmform’ and ‘translate’.
$EditFunctions = array('EditTemplate', 'RestorePage', 'ReplaceOnSave', 'SaveAttributes', 'PostPage', 'PostRecentChanges', 'AutoCreateTargets', 'PreviewPage'); Many recipes manipulate this array, so it is recommended, instead of redefining the complete array to add your custom functions, to use functions like array_unshift(), array_push() and array_splice().
# redirect to Main.HomePage $EditRedirectFmt = 'Main.HomePage'; # redirect to HomePage of current group $EditRedirectFmt = '{$Group}.HomePage';
# Use 'Main.NewPageTemplate' as default text of all new pages $EditTemplatesFmt = 'Main.NewPageTemplate'; # Use 'Template' in the current group for new pages $EditTemplatesFmt = '$Group.Template'; # Use 'Template' in the current group if it exists, otherwise # use 'Main.NewPageTemplate' $EditTemplatesFmt = array('$Group.Template', 'Main.NewPageTemplate'); See Cookbook:EditTemplates for more information.
# turn on draft edits
$EnableDrafts = 1;
A related variable, $EnablePublishAttr , adds a new “publish” authorization level to distinguish editing of drafts from publishing them.
# turn on graphical edit buttons
$EnableGUIButtons = 1;
# require authors to provide a name
# Store browser user agent with page diffs
$EnableRevUserAgent = 1;
Categories: PmWiki Developer ← Debug Variables | Variables | I18n Variables → This page may have a more recent version on pmwiki.org: PmWiki:EditVariables, and a talk page: PmWiki:EditVariables-Talk. |