#!/usr/local/bin/php SWARMS Group Behavior Database: Description of the Group Behavior Database

The SWARMS Group Behavior Database
Yale School of Forestry and Environmental Studies
370 Prospect Street
New Haven, CT 06511

Database Description


The SWARMS database was created to provide a guided source for papers useful to engineers, applied mathematicians, robotocists and others interested in using the biological literature to create artificial networks.  Each paper added to the database has been screened by biologists familiar with the relevant literature and the goals of researchers developing and studying behavior in artificial groups. 


The database is intended to be selective rather than comprehensive.  It is straightforward to get a comprehensive list of papers through searches using Web of Science and other non-curated resources.  Here the intention is to screen the literature and find particularly useful papers.  To aid identification of relevant papers, each paper is categorized according to behavior types, and the attribute of the behavior being studied, and other sorting keys, to make it easier to collect papers that share themes of interests to artificial networks.  The listing for each paper includes commentary that describes the characteristics of the paper which merited its inclusion in the database.  These comments are meant to complement and provide context for the other information displayed including the abstract and a link to the paper itself (NB: To maintain adherence to copyright laws, access to the paper will depend on journal permissions status at your institution).







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