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CIS520 Machine Learning | Site / Citation Template
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Citation Template


Edit citation

Reference key
List type
list (:|definition;**|item;#|number)
The list type specifies how to store the citation within the bib block. This is purely an author preference and has no effect on how the citation appears in the bibliography.
Bibliography text
citation (text=6)
The bibliography text is required. Enter the text as you want the citation to appear in the bibliography, including any wiki markup. Only the first line is used; subsequent lines are treated as comments. You can use a \ as an end-of-line character to split the first line into blocks.
Default text
The default text is automatically derived from the reference key. It is used as the link text in a cite markup reference, unless you supply alternate reference text in the field below. Optional variants on the cite markup may vary the text displayed.
Reference text
The reference text is optional. If entered, it is used as the link text in a cite markup reference. If omitted, the default text, derived from the reference key, is used.
Numeric text
numtext (=30)
The numeric text is optional. If entered, it is used instead of the number in the numeric reference style. In author-year style, it is ignored.
Access date
access (date)
The access date is optional. If entered, it is used as the date on which the author accessed the citation. This is often used to denote the date of accessing a Web page.
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Page last modified on 29 July 2010 at 05:27 PM