Warning: "continue" targeting switch is equivalent to "break". Did you mean to use "continue 2"? in /cgihome/cis520/html/dynamic/2016/wiki/pmwiki.php on line 691
Warning: "continue" targeting switch is equivalent to "break". Did you mean to use "continue 2"? in /cgihome/cis520/html/dynamic/2016/wiki/pmwiki.php on line 694
Warning: Use of undefined constant MathJaxInlineCallback - assumed 'MathJaxInlineCallback' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /cgihome/cis520/html/dynamic/2016/wiki/cookbook/MathJax.php on line 84
Warning: Use of undefined constant MathJaxEquationCallback - assumed 'MathJaxEquationCallback' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /cgihome/cis520/html/dynamic/2016/wiki/cookbook/MathJax.php on line 88
Warning: Use of undefined constant MathJaxLatexeqrefCallback - assumed 'MathJaxLatexeqrefCallback' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /cgihome/cis520/html/dynamic/2016/wiki/cookbook/MathJax.php on line 94
PmWiki /
Wiki Style ExamplesSee also Wiki Styles Plus and Wiki style colors. PmWiki uses WikiStyles for styling text with color and other attributes. PmWiki 2.0 introduced the ability to control the styling further and to even place styles on blocks. A style is specified within a pair of %-signs and styles the text that follows, as in:
There are a wide number of available style properties, borrowed primarily from HTML and CSS. In addition, an author can define a style “shortcut” by using the
Shortcuts can be combined with other styles, including other shortcuts:
So far, this is all basically the same as what was available in PmWiki 1.0. PmWiki 2.0 includes the capability to style blocks, by using the
This means it’s now possible to do right-aligned and centered text:
In fact, PmWiki predefines
Authors can define their own custom styles:
Styles can be applied to almost any kind of block:
In particular, this means that outlines are now possible using the predefined
Wiki styles can be combined with CSS stylesheets to do this automatically — see Cookbook:OutlineLists. Q & AHow do I get a block of preformatted text?Use something similar to this (assuming you want markup within the block to be interpreted as wiki markup and URIs to be recognized).
How do I get a block of preformatted text with a colored background and a border?Use something similar to this (note that wiki markup etc is not recognized within the block):
How do I get a block of text (including wiki markup) with a colored background and a border?
How do I get a block of text (including wiki markup) with a border that is indented on the left and does NOT extend all the way to right? I’m not interested in having later text to the right as would occur with lfloat…You can use the
This page may have a more recent version on pmwiki.org: PmWiki:WikiStyleExamples, and a talk page: PmWiki:WikiStyleExamples-Talk. |